Infinite Dimensions - Conceptual Hyperspaces

Internet Design - Bible Software - Advanced Hypertext

Mailing address: 5801 - 22nd St. #24
Lubbock, TX 79407

Jack Seay
home: (806)785-0068

Call or email for a free consultation to see if I can meet your needs.

Web pages I designed:

Lamberts Properties

My web design philosophy:

Web pages should beautiful and load very fast even with slow connections (90% are). They should provide clear, unconfusing access to answers for any anticipated questions. I have accessed many web pages that take 5 or 10 minutes to load in my browser. Usually all I am looking for is a link to another page. What a waste of time. Don't let this be your page.

I will use the simplest methods that produce the needed results.This will make it more likely that the client can participate in updating, reduce expenses, and allow better focus on the end results rather than technical details. This may involve using Yahoo! Groups for customer support; PayPal shopping carts; and Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Thinker to produce the HTML, Javascript and graphics.

My business philosophy:

Every legitimate business must make a profit in order to remain in business. This is accomplished by 1. increasing sales, 2. lowering operating expenses, and 3. keeping inventory to a minimum. Any activity, no matter how energetic it appears, that doesn't help contribute to one or more of these factors, does not help a business become more profitable. I will focus on these goals both for my own business and also for my clients (see "The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt). There is more to business than profit (see below), but to stay in business, profit is essential.

I will maintain high ethical standards, honesty, and full disclosure of relevent information.I will not sell or help sell products or services that don't have real, proven, moral, and ethical value to the customers. I will also avoid anything that is borderline in legality, or any health or medical products or services not scientifically proven by adequate double-blind testing .

Only good surprises! If you want to see if I can handle your needs, contact me to create a no obligation preview web page. If your business is in Lubbock, Texas, I will stop by and take a few digital pictures (otherwise, email them to me). No obligation to buy. I will process the images (usually with color and brightness adjustment, cropping, rolled edges, and drop shadows), design a custom logo, and PayPal shopping cart (if desired). Then I will give you an estimate. If you want to buy, you pay either the estimate or $20 per hour, whichever is less.

No Risk Guarantee. After your pages are complete, if you aren't satisfied, I'll redo them until you are satisfied- no extra charge. If I am unable to create a page that is up to your standards, you don't use it or pay for it. There will no pressure, deception, or manipulation. It's your decision.

The Context Bible

My company, Neuralink, created the Context Bible software for the Amiga computer in 1990. It is now available in 2001 for Mac and Windows in the KJV for $10. Other translations will follow. It is a different type of Bible software because literally everything is editable. Add your own unlimited cross-references just by typing them in anywhere. They can instantly jump to the verses in context. Mark up and comment on the Bible text as much as you want. Write your own reference Bible, topical Bible, or commentaries. Several excellent commentaries are included, such as Bill Dillon's "God's Work in God's Way" and "Rays of Revelation".

Advanced Hypertext

Besides web pages, I will be exploring advanced hypertext projects that will soon replace or supplement the World Wide Web. These include Thinker (used to produce the Context Bible and web pages), gzz, and several others I have read about extensively but not yet used.

copyright 2001 Jack Seay